合同解读的重点是什么 学原文品尝威科夫政策3
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    合同解读的重点是什么 学原文品尝威科夫政策3

    发布日期:2024-12-25 08:43    点击次数:128

    合同解读的重点是什么 学原文品尝威科夫政策3



    Source: “The Anatomy of a Trading Range” by Jim Forte CMT, Market Technicians’Association Journal, Issue 19, 1994

    Phase C

    In Phase C, the stock goes through a testing process. The stock may begin to come out of the TR on the upside with higher tops and bottoms or it may go through a downside spring or shakeout, breaking previous supports. This latter test is preferred, given that it does a better job of cleaning out remaining supply from weak holders and creates a false impression as to the direction of the ultimate move. Schematic 1 shows us an example of this latter alternative.


    A spring is a price move below the support level of a trading range that quickly reverses and moves back into the range. A spring is an example of a “bear trap” because the drop below support appears to signal resumption of the downtrend. In reality, though, the drop marks the end of the downtrend, thus “trapping” the late sellers, or bears. The extent of supply, or the strength of the sellers, can be judged by the depth of the price move to new lows and the relative level of volume on that penetration.



    Until this testing process, we cannot be sure the TR is accumulation and must wait to take a position until there is sufficient evidence that mark-up is about to begin. If we have waited and followed the unfolding TR closely, we have arrived at the point where we can be quite confident of the probable upward move.


    The shakeout at point 8 on our Schematic 1 represents our first prescribed place to initiate a long position. The secondary test at point 10 is better, since a low volume pullback and a specific low risk stop or danger point at point 8 gives us greater evidence and more confidence to act. A sign of strength (SOS) here will bring us into Phase D.

    【译文】图表1上第8点(原文写错了,应该是第7点) 的震仓给咱们提供了一个入场的位置,在这个位置咱们不错运转永恒头寸。在第10点( 原文写错了,应该是第8点)基于弹簧的二次测试(ST)更好,因为低量回测第8点( 原文写错了,应该是第7点)呈现了低风险,给咱们更多的把柄和更大的信心罗致活动。一个强势信号(SOS)将把咱们带入D阶段。





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